Welcome to Gyuto Guest House.  Gyuto guest house in Dharamsala is located in Sidhbari, within the Gyuto Monastery compuond in Dharamsala. We have 30 double rooms and 5 single rooms with attached bathrooms and hot shawar. It is clean and conviniently located next to the monks quaters. There is a restaurant on ground floor and a small convinient shop. Unfortunately, the food are not the best food for Westerners but it is cheap and fresh.

Room rates:

Double Room $10.00 per day

Single Room $6.00 per day

There are no laundry service but you are welcome to do yourself in the bathroom and dry on roof top.

We request all guests though it is a very safe place to be around the monastery area, but please lock your room when you go out even next door. Gyuto monastery and the Gyuto staff members will not be responsible if any personal belongings lost or damage while you are visiting the Gyuto monastery.  It is the monastery policy we are not allowing any none guests to visit the room unless you ask the monks and notifying your guest or friends inviting to your rooms. 

Ruls when visiting the monastery or staying at the Gyuto Guest House:

No allowed to bring meat around the monastery area

No allowed to bring alcohol to the monastery compound

No loud music in the rooms

Keep low voice during the night

No allowed to cook food in the room

No alcohol in the room at all times


Must Do While Stay at Gyuto Guest House:

Lock your room at all times with your own key

Place your important belongings in the locker

Turn off the lights when go out

Turn off hot water switch after each use

Do not throw anything in the toilet other then toilet paper



We request all guests, please consider a small gift to all Gyuto staff members especially those lay workers only receive very minimum salary. They very much appreciate your gift. If you have any thing that you do not want to take back home, please donate to the Gyuto Clinic or to the guest house.  Any donation to the Guest house will be beneficial for facility improvements. The monastery wish to keep the room rates and food prices are as low as possible for all visitors.


If you are planning to stay at Gyuto Guest Hose, please call Gyuto Monastery office at 91 (1892) 236154 / 234609 or send email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for room reservation. Most of the time Gyuto Guest House are fully booked while His Holiness the 17th Karmapa is residing in Gyuto monastery. However, during the winter season December - February, His Holiness often gives teachings either in Bodhi Gaya or in Saranath you won't need to arrange rooms in advance. 



It you are flying to Dharamsala from Delhi, it is only 30-40 minutes to Gyuto monastery from the Gagal airport which is below Dharamsala.  If you are taking a taxi it may cost you 500 rupees per taxi.  If you are taking overnight bus from New Delhi you should get off in lower Dharamsala and take a taxi to Gyuto monastery.  Ask the taxi to (Gyuto monastery at Sidbhari or known as Karmapa monastery) It may cost you 400-500 rupees becasuse it is early morning rate.  However, if you are traveling alone, we strongly recomend you to call Gyuto monastery and arrange a transportation becasue Delhi bus will arrive Dharamsala around 5 am and it is too risky to travel alone especially if you are female. 

If you are one of the Gyuto members or Gyuto friends from US, Australia and Taiwan we recommend you to contact our Dharma Centers names listed on this website, and ask necessary information before you travel to Dharamsala.


Useful information:

Travel to Dharamasala




Stay Connected

Gyuto Monastery
  P.O. Sidhbari,
       Dharamsala, 176057 Distt Kangra, India
  +91 (1892)-236-154
   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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