History of Gyuto Tantric Monastery
Jetsun Sherab Senge
Ramosche Temple
Jetsun Kunga Dondrub's Disciples
Admission Procedure
The Monastery's Administration
Present Situation of the Monastery
Annual Activities in the Monastery
The Syllabus and Course of Studies Ngagrampa Studies
Kyerimpa Studies
Tantra and the Role of Gyuto
Monastic Training and Daily Schedule
During this period, while he was teaching at Chuda temple, Lhasa was threatened by an unprecedented flood because the Brahmaputra was overflowing its banks. The government of Tibet sent a messenger arrived just as he was teaching a passage from the Guhyasamaja Tantra containing the words “place on the water”. He thought it was auspicious to go and help the people of Lhasa at once.
He sailed on the water simply by sitting on his monk’s mat and performed a number of rituals which prevented Lhasa from being engulfed. As a reward for his miraculous actions the Tibetan Government offered him the temple of Ramoche constructed by Winshan Kongjo, the Chinese queen of King Srongtsen Gampo, in which brought from Nepal by King Srongtsen Gampo’s Nepalese queen Bhrikuti. From then on Gyuto Tantric Monastery was based in this temple.
Later certain Government officials alleged that only the statue not the temple itself had been presented to him. When this allegation was made Jetsun Kunga Dondrup prayed to the image of the Buddha and also requested the four directional protectors at the entrance gate to accompany him to Uto Jampa Ling.