History of Gyuto Tantric Monastery
Jetsun Sherab Senge
Ramosche Temple
Jetsun Kunga Dondrub's Disciples
Admission Procedure
The Monastery's Administration
Present Situation of hte Monastery
Annual Activities in the Monastery
The Syllabus and Course of Studies Ngagrampa Studies
Kyerimpa Studies
Tantra and the Role of Gyuto
Monastic Training and Daily Schedule
The head of the monastery is the abbot. After him the most important people are the master of ceremonies and the chanting master. These three members of the monastery are appointed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Every monk holds the position of master of discipline in turn. The posts of shrine attendant, kitchen supervisor and house teacher are similarly held in turn.
The abbot teaches the great commentary on Guhyasamaja for three years after which his term of office is concluded. The incumbent master of ceremonies is the automatically promoted to the rank of abbot and a list of candidates for the vacant post of master of ceremonies is submitted to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The candidates are drawn from among the Geshes who received a high position in the Lharampa examination and who have completed the Ngagrampa examination in the monastery. Masters of discipline hold their office for four months at a time during summer, autumn and winter. The masters of discipline for the winter period are Geshes, while those for the other two periods are drawn from the monks who have not previously studied dialectics and so forth. The abbot’s chief responsibility is to teach but he also oversees the activities of the monastery. The master of ceremonies is in charge of general discipline and the daily routine. He also supervised provisions and funds for the monastery. The masters of discipline carry out the instructions of the abbot and master of ceremonies in ensuring monastic discipline. The chanting master and his two assistants supervise recitation and ensure the continuation of Gyuto’s unique style of chanting. These office bearers try to perform their duties to the best of their ability with devotion and dedication to the preservation and promotion of the Dharma.